Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Did I have a Spiritual Awakening???

          Over the last few weeks, well actually maybe a bit over a month I have been having so many strange feelings and situations. I have been getting light headed (out of body separation feelings). I usually start feeling anxious and feel like a surge of energy is taking over my body. My body begins to quiver a bit, then I get a tingling feeling around the top of my head. My hands emit a lot of heat, and I start to see flashing white light in my peripherals.

          Some of the other changes that I have been experiencing is insomnia. I just don't feel tired and will be up all night and force myself to lay down once the sun has fully risen again. I don't understand it as I am one who loves to sleep. But now I just don't feel like I need it. Even when I am getting a little sleep (2-4 hours a day) I still feel refreshed and energized as though I slept all night on a cloud. I normally crave junk food and don't hesitate to eat it, but for the last month, have just skipped the urge. I don't need it. I actually want and crave veggies now. Which is awful since I am a full blooded Texas and must have my beef.

          There are just so many changes that I am going through... those are some of the physical, but I have been experiencing these changes spiritually as well. I am channeling almost every time I meditate, and fully make contact with supernatural beings. I see and hear spirits all the time. I tap into infinite knowledge when I am giving a reading or doing some sort of divination. These are all things that I have always been able to do and been gifted with, but they are so much more enhanced these days. I don't even really need to try, its more of an effort to keep them from happening.

          At times these feelings can be overwhelming for me, and I start to panic. But then I remind myself that I em enlightening to a higher vibrational being and these are just the side effects. I try to allow them to take full control and enhances as much as they are going to during that particular session.

          After doing much research on these symptoms I have found a lot of suggested information that I am having or have gone through a spiritual awakening. With what I know, and with my strong spiritual beliefs I have come to believe this as well. I am now going to start to focus on doing Kundalini Yoga to help awaken my Kundalini fully and enlighten completely once and for all.

          I am wondering if anyone else has had any similar experiences to mine, and if they also started within the last few months - weeks?   Please post back and leave your comments. You can also join the Divine Gathering Spot, which is a Chat room on Divine Spaces (www.divine-spaces.com). I would love to converse with others on this matter.

Thank you for listening, have a wonderful night.

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