Monday, January 2, 2012

                           Happy New Years

          I want to kick off our first news letter of 2012 by wishing you all a Happy New Years from Divine Spaces and all our staff.  We have an exciting year ahead of us and want to share it with you.  There will be many additions to Divine Spaces and we look forward to all the new sales coming in 2012.  We have added some interactive features to our site to help make life easier for you, and will be adding more features through the year. 

          Some of the new features that have been added are: Daily Moon Phases- providing the current moon phase updated to real time.  We also now have Daily Horoscopes for that extra boost of daily guidance, and Pagan Radio Network.  Listen to streaming pagan music from around the world, pagan news and pagan podcast, all streaming live, and always free.

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          We have added a blog to our site.  The Divine Grove is our blog and the link can be found at the top of our website.  Please remember to follow our blog for more in-depth discussions about spiritual enlightening, spiritual and pagan news, Sabbats and events, and so much more.  Our blog doesn’t discriminate against religious beliefs as we celebrate all paths to the divine.  Also feel free to leave comments and be involved in our discussions.  Comments are encouraged as they will help to widen our topics, conversations, and points of view.

                   We are still looking for more authors to help with our blog. 

          If you are a spiritual person, and have a high knowledge base or strong spiritual opinions, then we would love to have you be one of our authors.  You do not need to be a professional writer, but must have good writing skills and grammar, and be able to provide original discussions to avoid plagiarism.  This is a voluntary position and compensation is not available.  Message us if you would like to blog about all things spiritual and we will provide you with access so you can blog till your spirit is content.

          My favorite addition in 2012 is our new program Instant Karma.  With our Instant Karma program we will be giving an additional free gift, added to all orders of any returning customer.  The gift value will vary based on order size.  Instant Karma is just another way we want to show our appreciation to our loyal customers throughout the year.


          2012 is finally upon us and it’s time we embrace our true nature and our spiritual beliefs.  As you all have probably heard, 2012 is said to be many things from the end of the world, great changes, and or spiritual enlightenment to mass destruction, polar shifts, and even extraterrestrial   visitations.  What ever it is that you believe, our paths and goals should be the same. Unity and enlightenment for every being is a great common view for all of us in this new and exciting year.

          There are a number of ways to become more in touch with your inner spirit and enhance your connection to the infinite, no matter what spiritual path you follow.  It is just a matter of connecting, practicing, and giving attention to the signs, feelings, and attempts at communication from your guides and enlightened beings.  I know how busy life can be, and how easily “life” can push our practices and spiritual traditions to the bottom of our priority list.  I myself suffer with the issue of making time for my spirituality and have made my 2012 resolution to giving my spiritual beliefs priority over my life.  Scheduling time for daily meditation, and writing in my book of mirrors.

          Some signs to look for if you are wakening to a  spiritual enlightenment include, increase in insomnia but still feeling energized and refreshed as though you had a full nights sleep.  You feel the need to eat healthier foods and be more active.  You may have a surge of energy and will have a feeling similar to a limb that has fallen asleep do to lack of blood circulation.  More commonly felt as a tingling in your crown chakra or in your heart chakra.  Seeing flashing light in your peripherals, or seeing things more spiritually – nature seems more vibrant, seeing auras or energy waves coming off of people and items.

          Once you are aware of these feelings and changes in your spirituality you will become more connected and be able to enlighten more quickly.  Just don’t fear the changes and embrace who you are as a being of energy and light.  Whether we enlighten by some supernatural means or we focus on whom and what we really are, allowing us to enlighten on our own; enlightenment should be the path for all of us.  So, no matter what resolutions you have made for the New Year; let’s just not forget about our spiritual habits and what we can do to better ourselves and our loved ones. 

Meditation music

Book of Mirrors

          I mentioned my book of mirrors earlier and would like to go over what exactly a book of mirrors is and how to use it.  One of the easiest ways to become more connected besides making sure to set aside time each and every day for divination and meditation is to keep a book of mirrors.  A BOM is similar but very different then a BOS (book of shadows).  A book of mirrors is for self reflection and is a personal journal of your spiritual path.  Unlike a BOS, a BOM is meant for your eyes only and should never be shared or viewed by others.  If you have something in your BOM that you would like to share, then you would want to re-write it in your BOS.

          In your book of mirrors, you want to keep a detailed writing of your spiritual path no matter how big or small.  You will want to write down any experiences you have while in meditation, along with all your knowledge on paganism and spiritual development.  This is a tool for exploration, recording your reactions to spells, rituals, meditations and dreams.

          Write about any spiritual thoughts and thoughts of gratitude.  You can include thoughts of manifestation (things you want to happen).  But most importantly, be honest with your writings.  This is not the time to be polite but to be honest with your self.  (No one will see your BOM but you)

          Your BOM is used to help show who you are - it is a reflection of you. It should be a guide for you as you embrace and enhance the world of spiritualism, magic and yourself. You should never change anything in your BOM; if something you have written changes, write about the change, but do not alter your BOM. .

          You will also want to write about any possible signs of enlightenment or growth in spiritual abilities….
Exp – if you have a psychic connection or get a vision, hear voices, or see lights, shadows, and/or full apparitions. You may even want to keep track of your sleeping, eating, and exercise habits since any changes in any of these areas may be signs of enlightenment. 

January 2012 Moon Phases

The first full moon of 2012 will be on Jan 9.
The first new moon of 2012 will be on Jan 23

January Sabbats

There are no Sabbats for January.

Divine Spaces

          With the passing of Yule we have celebrated the birth of our Sun God, and will be feeling his warm embrace in the coming months ahead.  The next Sabbat for us to celebrate is Imbolc which is in February.  There will be more information on Imbolc in our February news letter along with rituals and spells that can be used in your celebration.

May 2012 bring greatness and enlightenment into your lives, and may we all be united with divine spirituality and awakening consciousness.

This newsletter was originally written by Brooks Brown and is the sole use of Divine Spaces.  If you did not subscribe to this newsletter, please message us and we will unsubscribe you, or you can log into your account at and can subscribe or unsubscribe from your account.  If this letter was forward to you, or you are reading it on our website, blog or on our social networking sites and would like to subscribe, please visit and create an account.  We appreciate your business and look forward to many more years servicing all of your spiritual needs.

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